9. The studio's seal

I used to sign my pots with a huge inscription dug into the clay stating 'St civran' and the year. Mentioning the year of make is to the attention of the future archaelogists of the 3rd millenium... I'm an anthropologist after all... and to the one day collectors of stuff made in this village.

In June 2002 a friend came to visit from Germany. He designed a proper seal that I liked. A brass one was ordered at a traditional seal maker in a town near Frankfurt and I received it later through the post.

Here are some of the pots made in 2002:

The new seal looks more professional than the old one.

The little funny jug is meant to keep ice cubes. It works well when you want to use the icy water from it.

A porous pot, perfect to keep the garlic dry.

This red pot plant holder has the studio's seal and Hadrien's mark H on it. It was thrown on the wheel in 2002 and glazed three years later.


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