17. Summer 2002

Well then things happened. Ladies came with their friends, their husbands and family, from the north of France, Belgium, Germany and Britain. There were only 2 guys among them wanting to be a hobby potter. The very big majority of my customers are ladies between the age of 25 and 50. Up until the middle of the 20th century women were kept away from the potter's wheel in professional workshops. So, I guess, it is a revenge!

Meike and her boyfriend came from Hamburg... on a motorbike.

Isabel was my first enrolment in March when she came with her partner at the Open House day.

Full house with customers from Germany, Paris and Tours.

Here's the back door pompously called 'Entree des artistes' (backstage door) with Regina from Germany taking a rest.

This is what Nick from England managed to make in a couple of hours having never done pottery in his life before.


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