37. Functional pottery
The urge in making a pot, as far as I am concerned, is to produce a vessel I am going to use. The shape is ruled by the function, i.e. by the way I am going to use that pot. If it is a beaker, it has to have a spout that does not drip and a handle easy to grab. And, as far as I am concerned, 'functional is beautiful'.
Here's my home made functional jug...
Comments welcome!
The Berry Province in the central rural area of France has always been producing plain functional clay pots. The area is also known for its flat thick tiles called 'tommettes' used on the floors in most farms. Roofs are also covered with small clay tiles.
And while I'm at it, here's a short clip of Berry folk dances...
Here's my home made functional jug...
Comments welcome!
The Berry Province in the central rural area of France has always been producing plain functional clay pots. The area is also known for its flat thick tiles called 'tommettes' used on the floors in most farms. Roofs are also covered with small clay tiles.
And while I'm at it, here's a short clip of Berry folk dances...
And I 'hear you,' {your comment elsewhere, which I read} about all the "hoop-la" about Christmas Holidays. -sigh- I don't want to be pushed to do this or that or the other thing. I want to have my Holiday, the way it feels good to me.
If sending cards, buying lots of gifts, going to lots of parties, etc., makes some people happy... well good for them. But I don't want to do those things, just because anyone tells me, I "should" want to do them.
Long live individuality!!! :-)
Nope, my view is... that I don't want to fix anyone, but myself. To me, it's a useless venture {trying to 'fix' anyone else}. Because no one wants to "be fixed," the way anyone else wants to do it.
We differ in our opinions, which is fine! Both of us, have pondered on this. Great!
Thank you for adding yours.